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Medicinal Properties of Marijuana: Everything You Need to Know

By August 1, 2019April 26th, 2022No Comments

Nowadays, any legal adult can go into one of the many marijuana stores in California and buy top-quality marijuana products. But it wasn’t always like that. In fact, up until the passing of Proposition 215 in 1996, which marked a crucial moment in cannabis history, not even medicinal cannabis could legally be sold.

With the increased legality of weed, it became infinitely easier for studies to be conducted on it to determine which other medical properties it may have. For instance, there are now strong indications that CBD oil can help with multiple sclerosis and that weed can increase productivity.

In this article, we’ll answer some commonly asked medicinal marijuana questions, and also tell you where you can find the best medical cannabis in California. Read on to learn more.

What are the benefits of recreational marijuana?

Everyone’s favorite pastime comes with many extra benefits. Aside from the pleasant buzz we’ve all come to associate with being high, recreational weed also has a multitude of other advantages that people rarely consider.

Some of these include:

  • Weed calms people. Have you ever heard of recreational weed users getting into fights or otherwise disturbing the peace? Neither did we. Cannabis has a calming effect that can help nervous or even aggressive people to wind down and take things easy. Individuals whose moods are negatively impacted by alcohol often find marijuana to be perfect for them.
  • Cannabis saves you money. Booze, especially if you’re buying it at a club or at a bar, tends to get pretty expensive pretty fast. Recreational weed gives you a lot more value for your money, especially if you consume edibles that can keep you high for hours on end.
  • Marijuana helps you sleep. Even people who aren’t big fans of weed will agree that they fall asleep faster and sleep better after consuming some recreational cannabis.

What are the health benefits of cannabinoids?

Cannabinoids are the active chemicals in medical marijuana. Very roughly speaking, they’re similar to chemicals a person’s body naturally makes that are involved in memory, appetite, pain, and movement. Research suggests that cannabinoids may have a variety of medicinal properties.

These medicinal properties include:

  • Relieving pain and reducing inflammation.
  • Reducing anxiety.
  • Controlling chemotherapy-induced nausea and vomiting.
  • Slowing tumor growth.
  • Relaxing tight muscles in people with MS (multiple sclerosis).
  • Stimulating appetite and improving weight gain in cancer and AIDS patients.

What can cannabinoids cure?

Medical marijuana vape pens

Cannabinoids aren’t a straight cure in the same way as antibiotics and antiviral drugs are. Rather, they’re used to diminish or even completely remove various unpleasant symptoms caused by certain diseases and conditions.

Furthermore, they can alleviate natural discomforts like muscle strain. This makes them ideal for athletes who want to speed up their post-training recovery, and for people whose daily jobs include a lot of physical exertion.

As with all things related to your health, it’s best to first visit a reputable California medical facility, such as the Santa Ana Hospital, and consult your doctor. Discuss your symptoms with them and have them decide which type of cannabinoid product you could most benefit from.

Where can you find top-notch marijuana stores in California?

Whether you’re looking for a great time, or you need a medicinal weed product to help deal with a chronic condition or to lessen muscle strain, People’s OC is your best choice for all things related to recreational and medical marijuana.

As the largest and best equipped weed dispensary in California, we are uniquely equipped to cater to all your cannabis-related needs. Visit our store today, or give us a call if you’d like to learn more.

We look forward to serving you.