The stigma around cannabis is gradually shifting. Marijuana has recently been taken off the banned substances list by the Olympic Committee. Athletes can now visit one of the weed dispensaries in Orange County CA and get their CBD post workout supplements without fear of it negatively affecting their careers. Whether it’s your first experience with CBD or not, rest assured that it’s one of the best things you can get as post-workout treatment.
Cannabis industry offers a large array of CBD products. CBD can be smoked, vaped, or taken in capsules, oils, or tinctures. It even comes in the shape of ointments, creams, and lotions that can be rubbed into sore muscles for quick relief.
But what exactly is CBD, and how does it help athletes? Read on to learn why California dispensary sites may soon become your go-to source of post workout relief.
Where does CBD come from?
Cannabidiol (CBD) is one of more than 100 active cannabinoids that have been found in the cannabis plant. The ones that provide the majority of the effects are CBD, CBN, CBG, CBC, THCa, and of course, THC. All these compounds are found in both hemp and marijuana plants. They’re chemicals that affect cannabinoid receptors located throughout the body.
Because of its many benefits – especially its therapeutic properties – CBD post workout and pre workout products have become popular with athletes in the recent years. CBD interferes with cortisol secretion, significantly lowering blood levels. This translates into appetite-regulating, pain-relieving, and anti-inflammatory effects that boost post workout recovery.
One study has even shown that CBD products contain an unsaturated essential oil called terpene. Terpene has cooling properties, which means CBD can provide unparalleled relief to burn victims. It explains why CBD oiled buds have traditionally been used as an ointment for chronic pain and first and second degree burns.
But won’t CBD post workout make me woozy?
Nope! Many people assume that marijuana, hemp, Cannabidiol (CBD), Tetrahydrocannabinol (THC), and so on, all refer to the same thing. Nothing could be further from the truth. Marijuana contains a much larger amount of THC than other related plants, whereas CBD products are specifically designed to maximize the amount of CBD and minimize the amount of THC.
Needless to say, THC is the psychoactive substance in cannabis and a source of the pleasant high we all know and love. The other compounds found in marijuana like CBD can provide relief, but not the high. This means that CBD post workout products offer pain relief with no psychoactive effects, which makes them ideal for treating athletes and those who prefer to stay clearheaded. And best of all? You can get them in a recreational marijuana dispensary offering high-quality products near your location.
Where can I buy quality CBD post workout products?
Whether you’re an athlete looking for something to make their post-workout inflammation go away, a person searching for discomfort relief, or you just want some recreational marijuana, People’s OC is the right place for you. Our enthusiastic and knowledgeable staff is eager to help you get the marijuana product that best fits your needs. Visit us today and see for yourself why we’re the top dispensary in California.